Call 0800 077 6187
Easy half day seminar
Just one £329 payment
No vapes, pills or patches
Smoking is a psychological problem. It requires a psychological solution. - Allen Carr
Discover how good being a non
smoker feels. No patches, potions, or
pills; in one 5 hour seminar.
Smokers find themselves caught inside a trap. They don’t want to be a smoker, but then
they want another cigarette, This can lead to fear and confusion and finally the smoker
usually ends up just lighting up again. We refer to this as the nicotine maze - you are in
a place where you do not want to be but you don’t know how to get out...
...Smoking is not primarily a physical problem, it is about psychological confusion.
And if the problem is psychological, the solution MUST be psychological.
As Sir Anthony Hopkins put it - Allen Carr’s Method is the route map out
of that maze.
With guidance and new information you are taken back in your state of mind to that time
before you ever lit that first cigarette. The method is clean, safe and instant.
The Clinic Seminar..
...takes the form of a group
seminar at an hotel near you.
There are no potions, patches
or pills or indeed any medication
of any kind.
There are regular smoking breaks.
There is no pressure of any kind.
Although there is ample
opportunity for questions,
it is not a discussion group.
We know why this
happens. Click the
book and we’ll show
“The book was great!
But I’m still smoking.
Why go to a clinic?”
*Works for Vaping, Too.
A One to One session can also be booked,
or a private session of up to 5 people. These
sessions cost £1495 and can be booked by
calling us on 0800 077 6187.
Live In-Person Seminars - £329
Sun Apr 6, 1pm (Manchester)
Sun Feb 23rd, 1pm (Manchester)
Sun Mar 16, 1pm (Wakefield)
Sun Apr 27, 1pm (Wakefield)
Sun May 18th, 1pm (Manchester)